Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Hair Reality

I have spent much of my life attempting to bend my hair to my will. As someone with what I call “naturally squiggly hair,” my locks don’t fit neatly within the category of straight and sleek, nor do they possess the bounce and form of ringlets. They are caught in the messy middle ground, defying description or a neat and tidy category.

When I was a teenager, my grandfather (who was never known for his subtlety), asked, “Is that a deliberate hairdo?” I don’t remember my response, and frankly, my grandfather had little room to judge (he was bald). But for whatever reason, whether vanity or humour (or maybe both), that experience has stuck with me.

In the years since, I’ve had brief moments of hair triumph with a flat iron or a particularly curl-inducing cut and style. And in those moments, I lived out my hair fantasy, living clearly on one side of the curly or straight line. Life is in some ways easier there in a place where I fit a clear definition. Yet reality, like my hair, falls somewhere in the middle – in the messy place that defies description or neat and tidy categories. So now I’m trying out a radical approach – I’m going with what I’ve got. I’m going with what’s real, and that’s squiggly. I’m drawing a squiggly line in the sand. This is me.


  1. I guess we match in more ways than winter coats and birthday cakes. I loathe and love my not quite curly and not quite straight. Love it when I style it to either side (cause I have an easier job going curly then those with stick straight hair AND an easier job of going straight then those with ringlets) but the rest of the time... it just looks like I just woke up and did nothing... oh yeah. I did! ;)

  2. I love that you've drawn your squiggly line in the sand! Welcome to Blogdom!

  3. Arrogance, shmarrogance! Blog away, and I expect to laugh each and every time I read it. No pressure. Just be consistently funny.

  4. IMHO, blogging is not arrogant, simply a room where one plays with words, albeit a glass room. Welcome to the blogging world. I'm sure it will be entertaining for you and us.

  5. It's all about the hair, Margaret... Nice start to your blog!
